Saturday, October 10, 2009

With the light on

Most of the people tend to sleep with their light off, that’s the norm of society. But don’t be surprise that they are still people who sleep with their light on; not because they’re not frugal or they have extra money to waste. I admit that’s not a good practice in modern-life, that not only burden your electrical bill but that also contribute to global warming as well; light pollution, electricity put to waste, radiation and etcetera.

Nonetheless, I’m one of those who sleep with light on. No kidding, I sleep with light on. No! Not because I’m afraid to be in dark. That’s because I’m so used to have a reading before sleep; novel (rarely), newspaper (once in a blue moon), magazine (every time) and comic (absolutely). For that reason, my room light will be forever on, even when I fall asleep. I like to read, a lot especially magazine and comic; that’s why I need light. Sometimes I need light to write my diary, lamp is therefore one of the essential tool in my bedroom.

Why don’t I off the light before I sleep? Well, that’s simple: LAZY. Nevertheless, I feel more comfortable with light on, at least when I wake up; everything is lighted up; bright and visible. Maybe because of that, I’m terribly uncomfortable being in the dark; once again I’m not afraid. I’m a man who believes in what I see, “What I see is what I get”. Without the aid of my sight, I feel so insecure, in fact dismal. That’s the reason why I’m uncomfortable in the dark. If I can request the cinema to on the light throughout the entire show, I will.

Recently I try to sleep with light off due to some room-sharing-tolerance issue. Being a guy that sleeps with light on for so many years, sleeping without the light is of course something rather annoying. Believe it or not, I can’t sleep with light off. I feel insecure whenever I open my eye and found myself in the dark. I have to admit that I have issue with it for several days but eventually I’m used to it.

To be rather annoyed for this several days, I actually found out that when you’re in darkness you can actually hear, feel and think well. Without the aid of sight, this empowers our other senses.

There is a reason for every smile and cry, there’s a story behind for every agenda. Like a famous old proverb ‘you can’t just judge a book by its cover’. For those who only look and judge by its cover, there’s surely something that you’ll missed out. Try off the light and judge again, maybe you’ll find story of another version.

I’m a man who believes in what I see. Maybe not anymore.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ponteng King

"Oh sheesh! Darn! What's the time now?" That happen almost every morning when I mistakenly, unintentionally, by no mean switch off my alarm on its first beep. That happen so frequent now; just by this week I had already skipped two whole day of lecture. Proud you say? No, not at all! I feel dismal to be exact.

I had been nominated so many times now as the new Ponteng King. Yes Ponteng King (King of Class Skipping) not Prom King. I'm already in the back of my class, if I still keep 'ponteng' sooner or later I'll be kicked out of the class. People may actually envy me for being so slumber in my study but the fact is I'm hell worried of being not in the class for so many times in a row.

"Sui chai hei san la!!" (wake up already you lazy ass in cantonese) that's what my mum will do every morning, screaming and yelling my ass to the bathroom to get ready for school. That's the scream that give me a boost and kick start my morning. Maybe I still need that, talking about it, I kind of miss that scream.

Bah! Let's make this the last time I skip my class, furthermore exam is just around the corner; if I still keep my 'ponteng' attitude, there would only be one way ticket for me: extend another year in Unimap. Hell no! I want to get out of here! (Guess that's the spirit, way to go Mels)

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